Agents of change?
Assessing Hong Kong employment agencies' compliance with the Code of Practice
此報告由亞洲家務工工會聯聯會(FADWU),連同印尼移工社群(KOBUM-HK)共同製作,主要根據 2017 年年 7 月月到 3 月月期間與 452 位家務移工的訪問編寫。
報告聚焦於《守則》中特別爲保障家務移工權益而而設的數個標準,發現受訪者使用的僱傭中心心當中,高達九成六並不依循《守則》,並有五成六受訪者仍被僱傭中心收取非法費用用,其中,新來港的移工更平均要付港幣 9013 元(美金金金 1154 元)的中介費,此費用高於法定上限二十倍。
同時,FADWU 於港九各僱傭中心進行秘密錄音,其中七間僱傭中心心的職員表示,爲移工編配工作的收費爲港幣三千五百元至至一萬元不等(美金 448 元至 1280 元),亦是高於法定上限八到二十倍,違法情況相當普遍。
The report, based on a survey of over 450 migrant domestic workers, examines the implementation of the Hong Kong government’s Code of Practice for Employment Agencies (CoP), and its impact on the human and labour rights of domestic workers in the territory.
The research was conducted by members of FADWU and Indonesian domestic worker organisation, KOBUMI, with support from the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU), International Labour Organisation (ILO), and Rights Exposure (RE). It is the first research to be published on the CoP since it came into force.
Since Jan 2017, in the name of improving monitor mechanism to employment agencies, the Hong Kong Labour Department launched the "Code of Practice" for employment agencies.
After 1 year of implementation of "Code of Practice", did the employment agencies become more clean?
In order to assess Hong Kong employment agencies compliance with CoP, sisters of FADWU and KOBUMI formed a survey team and interviewed 452 migrant domestic workers.
The survey team also conducted 18 undercover recordings for investigating the amount of charges for job placement.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place / 左右為難,進退維谷
Between a Rock and a Hard Place / 左右為難,進退維谷 is a research and advocacy project investigating the illegal fees charged to Filipino migrant domestic workers by employment agencies in both the Philippines and Hong Kong. It documents the workers’ human and labour rights abuses, including trafficking and forced labour.
A covert recording team consisting of two Progressive Labor Union of Domestic Workers in Hong Kong (PLU) members and staff from Rights Exposure was also formed to gather evidence of the illegal practices by employment agencies in Hong Kong.
The participatory methodology used in this project commits to the agency of migrant domestic workers in identifying and prioritising the human and labour rights abuses they face and finding sustainable solutions themselves. It also aims to enhance and strengthen the ability of migrant workers and their organisations to represent the needs of their community through first hand information, knowledge and experience.
The full research report is available online (English & Chinese).
Project Partner: Rights Exposure was commissioned by the Hong Kong Federation of Asian Domestic Workers Union (FADWU) and Progressive Labor Union of Domestic Workers in Hong Kong (PLU) to act as consultants on the one-year project, providing support in project management, research, media engagement, and audio-visual production.
2015 年至2016 年間,進步勞工工會(PLUDW-HK) 對68 名在香港及澳門的菲籍家務工進行了深入訪談,並假扮成最近解約的移民家務工,於香港十間不同的僱傭中心求職,進行秘密錄影。
今日公佈的報告和短片 《 左右為難 進退維谷》,就菲律賓及香港兩地中介公司向菲籍家務工收取違法費用的情況提供證據,並揭示兩地政府部門無力保護工人和懲治無良中介的現實。
本報告跟進菲律賓進步勞工聯盟(APL)、香港進步勞工聯盟(APL-HK)及進步勞工工會(PLUDW-HK)於2013 年發佈題爲《持牌剝削:香港菲籍家務工面對的僱傭手法和問題》的報告中所揭發的情況。2013 年的報告根據對1,200 名菲籍家務工進行的訪問,點名指出協助她們於香港求職的245 間香港及190 間菲律賓中介公司。該報告記錄了菲港兩地的中介公司有系統地向菲律賓家務工榨取違法介紹費的事實。
本報告和短片由職工盟、國際家務工聯會共同製作,並由Rights Exposure 在研究及倡議活動上提供支援。
On June 2016, the "MY FAIR HOME" campaign was officially launched by the FADWU and the HKCTU.
Employers of domestic workers shared their stories together with their workers. They talked about their perspective on building good employer-employee relationship. One of the keys they brought out was to know the needs of the workers and to respect them as human beings. They also considered that having a better regulation and legislation could provide a better protection for both parties.
After the launching, FADWU organized a series of talk for the employers to identify the illegal practice of employment agencies. We believed that both of the support from the unions and employers is very important to end exploitation and unfair treatment of domestic workers in Hong Kong.
t's easy.