國際移工日 2018
International Migrants Day
On 16th December, FADWU organized assembly and rally to commemorate the international Migrants day. This year, the theme of our action is "Equal rights for ALL workers, Monitoring Agency and Stop Overcharging". More than 100 members joined the assembly, after that, we marched to the Central government office to pass our demand cards to the representatives of government.
在2018年的12月16日,香港亞洲家務工工會聯會與各個屬會在國際移民日前夕,舉行集會與遊行,我們希望社會能聽到移民聲音,政府能落實對移工的保障。過百名會員出席集會,我們希望透過活動提醒香港社會,家務移工所做出的 貢獻,集會後,我們遊行至政府總部,向特首提交我們的「願望卡」。
Full house! Our FADWU Sisters came together to contribute their own traditional food on the last Sunday. Our tables were full of delicious food which cooked by our talented sisters, including momo dumpling from Nepal, bilo bilo sweet soup from the Philippines, rendang beef from Indonesia, Som Tam from Thailand and also the local rose shape bread! All these traditional food contain the memory of our home and it also connects the sisters from different countries.
FADWU kitchen 國際廚房 2018
一年一度的FADWU國際廚房,有來自各國和本地的家務工,一起煮家鄉特色美食:尼泊爾的momo餃子、菲律賓的bilo bilo糖水, 印尼的rendang牛肉、泰國的青木瓜沙律、還有本地的玫瑰花饅頭!廚房裡外,個個忙到一頭煙,煮出一道道充滿情感的食物,味道超越語言,我們以味覺認識彼此的文化,餐桌上有你我的家鄉。